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Vaccine Coverage: Resurgence of Measles Outbreak in Ghana 13
Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study 10
Analysis of Ghana's Food and Drugs Law, and Public Health Act for Vaccine Safety 4
Male Midwives Practicing: Barriers and Strategies in Promoting the Acceptance 3
Role of Schools in Promoting Proper Menstrual Hygiene Management Practices among Schoolgirls in Ghana 3
Community Pharmacies Treatment Practices of Malaria and Residents’ Pattern of Antimalarial Drug Use in Abura Community, Cape Coast Metropolis-Ghana 2
Stakeholder Perspectives on Nursing Credential Upgrades: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Global Studies 2
Analysis of Ghana's Public Health Act 2012 and AI's Role in Augmenting Vaccine Supply and Distribution Challenges in Ghana 2
Determinants for male involvement in family planning and contraception in Nakawa Division, Kampala, Uganda; An urban slum qualitative study 1
Attitude of Reproductive Age Women Towards Male Involvement in Family Planning; a Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Nakawa Division, Kampala, Uganda. 1